
Schiele Education

The Schiele is committed to inspiring curiosity and understanding of science and the natural world through exceptional educational programs for all ages.

Are you an educator?

The Schiele loves teachers! Whether you are planning a field trip for your students, looking for natural history-based professional development, or hoping for a Schiele To Go presentation in your classroom, the museum is here to support you.

Museum group visits provide engaging learning experiences in science, nature, and history that support the goals and objectives of the North and South Carolina public school curriculums. 

Can’t transport your group to The Schiele? Let us come to your location! A professional educator will bring the collections and resources of the museum to your classroom, school, or event.

Please note The Schiele and ASTC member benefits do not extend to group/field trips to the museum. If attending programs at The Schiele as part of a school or group field trip, group admission and program fees apply.