Eclipses are unique and rare. April 2024 brings a partial eclipse to the Carolinas. Find out how eclipses happen, how to view them, and learn the fascinating history and myths behind them. There won’t be...
The Schiele Museum
1500 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia
Totalidad Sábados a las 3:30PM Los eclipses son únicos y raros. Abril de 2024 trae un eclipse parcial a las Carolinas. ¡Descubre cómo suceden los eclipses, cómo verlos y la fascinante historia y mitos detrás...
Eclipses are unique and rare. April 2024 brings a partial eclipse to the Carolinas. Find out how eclipses happen, how to view them, and learn the fascinating history and myths behind them. There won’t be...